Let’s face it, the real reason telecommuting and other flexibility programs haven’t caught on is because fundamentally, managers don’t trust their employees to work untethered. “How do I know they’re really working if I can’t see them?” ask managers. That question, and the fact that it’s asked so often, points to a real problem with management today. Whether your employees are down the hall or thousands of miles away, if you’re not managing by results, you really don’t know who’s working and who isn’t.
In our latest whitepaper: Results-Based Management: The Key to Unlocking Talent and Increasing Productivity (sponsored by Citrix Online GoToMeeting), we examine:
• How the combination of flexibility and results-based management is transforming the nature of work.
• Why results-based management is fundamental to your success
• How Best Buy, BDO USA and others have gained a competitive advantage by embracing a culture of flexibility
• What the experts say about how and why to manage by results.

Click To Download PDF
(sponsored by Citrix Online/GoToMeeting)
Once considered just an HR strategy, innovative, successful companies including Fortune 500 firms have embraced results-based management and flexible work as an essential business strategy. They’ve learned that when they ignore the where, when, and how work is done, and focus on results, their people are more productive, more creative, and more successful. What’s more, this new way of working allows companies to do more with less—less buildings, less pollution, less overtime, and less waste. Their employees are doing more with less too—less stress, less distractions, less commuting. For companies, that all translates into greater loyalty, engagement, and productivity.
“70% of the workforce is not engaged”
Recent research by Gallup shows than 70% of the workforce is not engaged. They’re either wandering around in a fog, or actively undermining their co-workers’ success. They’re burned out, disenfranchised, and according to Right Management, over 80% are ready to jump ship.
“80% of employees are looking elsewhere”
Eyeing the end of the recession, employees are no longer happy just to have a job. Boomers who haven’t already made their exit are planning for it. Gen X-ers watched their workaholic parents, and aren’t about to make the same mistakes. Gen Y-ers grew up independent, tech savvy, and were taught to question authority. Now they’re questioning their employers. This is not your father’s workforce.
Research shows that what employees of all age groups want is the flexibility to determine for themselves where, when, and how they work.
In his bestselling book, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, Daniel Pink observes that despite four decades of scientific research on human motivation, there’s an immense mismatch between what science knows and what management does.
Management styles that were born in the days of sweatshops and typing pools are still pervasive in business today. For a technologically adept workforce in a global, mobile workplace those styles don’t work at best, and sabotage success at worst. “While carrots and sticks worked successfully in the 20th century, it’s precisely the wrong way to motivate people today,” writes Pink.
Demographic, cultural, economic, and technological realities have forever changed the nature of work. Leading change agents agree, companies that haven’t culturally adopted that results are what matter will be chewing the dust of those that have.
Click here for a link to the download: Results-Based Management: The Key to Unlocking Talent and Increasing Productivity
Our thanks to the following for their insights and contributions to the paper:
- Cali Ressler and Jody Thompson, architects of the Results Only Work Environment, authors of Why Work Sucks and How to Fix It (Portfolio 2008), and principals of CultureRx/GoROWE
- Cali Williams Yost, author of Work+Life: Finding the Fit That’s Right for You (Penguin, 2005) and principal of the Flex+Strategy Group
- Diane Burrus, Senior Consultant, WFD Consulting for Corporate Voices for Working Families
- Dick Finnegan, President, Finnegan Mackenzie
- Elham Shirazi, Principal, e-Planning
- Jim Ware, Executive Producer, Work Design Collaborative
- Jennifer Rosenzwieg, Director of Research, The Forum for People Performance Management and Measurement
- Judi Casey, Principal Investigator and Director, Sloan Work and Family Research Network
- Daniel H. Pink, NYT best-selling author of Drive, A Whole New Mind, Free Agent Nation, and The Adventures of Johnny Bunko
- Hewitt Associates, now part of AON
- Jeffrey Hill, PhD and Associate Professor, Brigham Young University School of Family Life
- Joel Hedberg, HR Director, H.B. Fuller
- Joyce Gioia, the Herman Group
- Kathy Lynch, Marcie Pitt Catsouphes, Elyssa Besen and Christina Matz-Costa, the Sloan Center on Aging & Work at Boston College
- Ken Gonzalez, Managing Partner, Engaged Consulting Inc.
- Marcee Harris Schwartz, Strategy Advisor, BDO USA
- Mitch Pisik, serial change agent and President, Breckwell Products
- Meryl Rosenthal, CEO and President, FlexPaths LLC
- Patricia Kempthorne, President/CEO, Twiga Foundation, Inc
- Helene Cavalli, Right Management
- Rose Stanley, Work-Life Practice Leader, WorldatWork
- Susan Seitel, President and Founder, WFC Resources
A special thanks to Citrix Online for their financial support!
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