Being available to troubleshoot tech problems remotely, at all hours of the night and on weekends, goes with the territory for people in information technology jobs. But many companies have been slow to adopt telecommuting to allow working from home during business hours.
A study by Robert Half Technology indicates telecommuting is gaining ground. Asked if their IT workforce is telecommuting at a higher rate than five years ago, 21% of CIOs said they have more telecommuters now, 23% said it’s the same proportion, only 3% said fewer IT employees are telecommuting, and the rest said they don’t know or don’t offer a work at home option.
The impetus for IT workers to work from home is the same as what’s driving any other professions to consider telework: Sky-high gas prices, traffic congestion, a desire to be environmentally friendly, business continuity, commercial real estate savings, and the appeal of flexible work arrangements, and work/life balance.
An IT job requires education, training, and experience, but salaries are good, job growth and advancement potential is among the best, and is very well suited to telecommuting and freelance work from home jobs.
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