A life-long pal wrote to me about Freelance Home Writers dot com, and asked if we thought it was a scam too. Oh yeah, we sure do.
When we read, “Thousands of smart people just like you are are already brining (sic) in an easy $1,000, $2,000…even as much as $5,000 every single week just by doing this easy writing in their spare time…and now it’s your turn!” we know it’s going to go down hill from there. If it sounds too good to be true, you can be sure it is.
At $20 an article that means you’d have to write 8 a day (that’s one per hour with no breaks), 7 days a week, to make just $1120 a week or $4849.60 a month—nevermind a week. So right off the bat you can tell something’s whacky.
Then they try to prove they know what their talking about by claiming that search results are based on pages of content.
“Since 90% website visitors come from the major search engines (Google and Yahoo)…the more content pages a business has, the more times one of it’s pages (articles) will show up in the search results when a potential customer does a search…”
Doesn’t relevance figure in anywhere? Google sure thinks so.
Okay, so let’s ignore all that and take a look inside the site. Oops. You have to give them $2.95 to become a member. All that gets you is the opportunity to log-in AND commits you to a $47 a month charge. Want to take an guesses at how easy it is to reach anyone there to cancel?
But let’s say you’re so excited by their pitch that you decide to spend the money so you can begin “. . .raking in a life-changing $2,000, $3,000… even as much as $4,000 each and every week!” (Wait a minute, I though it was $5000 a week?)
What makes you think you’ll actually get paid after you write something? I’ll bet you’ll discover they claim to pay you monthly. And then after a month’s work you’ll discover, well, your work just wasn’t good enough, or they’re short on cash, or ….
But don’t take our word for it. Type ‘freelancehomewriters scam’ in a Google search box and you’ll get about 15,000 pages on the topic.
For more details on legitimate writing jobs that allow you to work from home, order our new book Undress For Success: The Naked Truth about Making Money From Home. (This is starting to sound a like a commercial!). Just remember, if it sounds too good to be true it usually is.
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