Finding work you can do at home can seem challenging at best. Thanks to computer and telecommunication technology it’s possible to work effectively�and more productively, studies have shown�from home. You might want a job working for a company that will allow (or even encourage) you to work from home, or you might want to freelance and work for � a lot of companies or individuals on a project by project basis, or you might want to start and run your own company from home.
We have lots of information and loads of reliable resources you can use for finding work, regardless of which direction you take in your quest. For example, if you’re interested in finding work you can do at home, you might start by checking out some of these great resources:
- Our favorite work from home job source.
- Finding freelance gigs.
- Finding work through online job boards.
- Finding industry-specific work.
You’ll also want to check out our Finding Work series:
- Part 1:
- Part 2:
- Part 3: YahooHotJobs
- Part 4: Craigslist
- Part 5:
- Part 6:
- Part 7:
- Part 8:
When it comes to finding work, ya do what ya gotta do. . . .
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