Ever since we started this site, we’ve been looking for an online job board for work from home jobs that actually delivers what they promise. Specifically, we’ve been searching for one that, for a reasonable monthly or annual fee, provides legitimate telecommuting/work from home and online jobs devoid of scams or bogus business opportunities.
Sadly, we can count on one hand the number of sites that make that cut. But we’ve also felt strongly that any site that claims to offer legitimate work from home jobs while collecting ad revenue from ads that point to scams, multi-level marketing opportunities, or other junk, is almost as bad as the scam sites themselves. We were just about to give up the search and create our own work at home job board, when we ran across a site we think is a winner.
Before we recommended it to you, however, we signed up ourselves. We followed it for a few months. We checked out some of the work from home jobs on our own, we even emailed the contact person on some and asked if the job was legitimate. Finally we contacted the CEO and got to know her.
Drumroll please . . . We present to you FlexJobs!
Here’s our analysis of FlexJobs, including why we recommend them, what they offer, and how you can save 30% off their subscription rates with a special code for Undress4Success readers!