Industry-specific job search sites that offer telecommuting and work-at-home jobs
There are hundreds of job search sites that claim to specialize in jobs within specific industries. Like the rest of the web universe, there are a few bright spots, but mostly empty space so keep your phazers on stun when you encounter a new one.
Here are some of the better specialty job search sites we�ve found. All are free for job candidates, offer job alerts, and encourage you to post your resume.
Tech Support Job Search calls itself �the career hub for tech insiders.� They offer Boolean�but not wildcard� job search so use a keyword string: telecommute OR telecommuting OR virtual. Then go to the Refine Your Search feature, and notice that they�ve been wise enough to know that such a search will include some jobs that specify no telecommuting. Click on Telecommute and you�ll see just those jobs you can do from home.
There are no pay-per-click ads on but there are several display ads that almost appear to be part of the site so keep you wits about you.
IT Toolbox is an online community for the information technology industry. Like LinkedIn and other social networking sites, IT Toolbox allows users to develop a simple or extensive professional profile, and share it with other technology professionals. Employers pay $300 to post jobs. When we did a job search here we found a couple of positions listed that did not appear on any of the other job boards so if IT is your field, they�re worth a look.
Writing Jobs Search
If you�re looking for home-based writing jobs, may help. Their job search feature doesn’t support Boolean or wildcard searches so you�ll have to do separate finds�we had the best luck with the words telecommute, telecommuting, and virtual.
The job search interface at HealthECareers could use some major surgery, but they do have some interesting healthcare job posts. First, you have to do a search on a broad job category, the site doesn�t support Boolean or wildcard searches so enter the terms one at a time. Once that job search is complete, a new page will come up where you can refine the results. After each job search, you�ll have to go back to the general search and start over or your results won�t be what you expected.
Industry Association Job Search
Many industry associations are getting into the job posting game so it�s worth checking with those organizations that represent your industry to see if they�re among the players. Some feature job posts from members, and others utilize technology provided by companies like Indeed, Jobster, and SimplyHired. As we�ve said, those jobs boards often include scams (anyone can pay to post a scam job), so watch your step.
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